
Jacque's basic facts test


WALT  to play our ukelele and accompany the singing.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can play the right chords to accompany the singing. 

STUDENT VOICE "I am so happy that I can play the ukelele now". 


WALT: Write a fairytale in our own words.

Success Criteria:

  1. Orientation - who (characters), what, where (setting)
  2. Problem - what goes wrong?
  3. Solution - how do they make it right?
  4. Magic !
  5. Outcome (Happily ever after…)

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I am learning to solve division problems by using my knowledge of my 2, 5, and 10 times tables.


WE ARE LEARNING TO:  read in our heads to help with comprehension.

WE CAN DO THIS WHEN:  we can answer questions about what we have read and summarise the text.

Teacher comments:  Jacque, I can see that you read to understand.  You are able to tell me what the story is about and answer most of my questions.


WALT write an imaginative story.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We have written a story that is made up and not real.

Hello! I am a pencil from the Year 2 hub.   One day in the holidays when no children were there we decided to have a party. We turned on the tv and we all danced around to the music. The pens, crayons, pastels, whiteboard markers and vivids all joined in.We had so much fun.  After an afternoon of dancing we were so tired that we fell asleep. 

STUDENT VOICE 'I have written an imaginative story about the pens, crayons, pastels and other things coming to life and having a party!

Te Reo

Learning Intention: We are learning to sing " Singing In The Rain" and perform the actions.

Success Criteria:
Sing as a group
Listen to others
Join in with the actions

Teacher Comment: Well done singing and performing the actions. It was great to see you doing all the moves.


WALT use our maths skills at home.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We are using our maths skills in everyday situations.

STUDENT VOICE 'I have worked really, really hard to get my Diamond home learning certificate".


Learning Intention

We are learning to perform a dance

Success Criteria

Dance in time to the musicMake the correct shapes Work as a team

Dance  - click for the link to see the dance. 

Student Voice " It was great fun dancing in time to the music".


WALT write sentences that are interesting.
SUCCESS CRITERIA My sentences have interesting words in them.

STUDENT VOICE " My story is interesting for someone to read."


WALT use our reading skills to carry out an experiment.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can read the instructions and do the experiment.

STUDENT VOICE " I am a good reader so I can read what to do for the experiment".


WAlT make a balance in Gymnastics.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can make a balance and hold it.

STUDENT VOICE " I can make a balance with Milayna and we can hold it to show everyone". 

Te Reo

WALT sing waita with correct pronunciation
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can do the actions and sing the words in Te Reo. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can do all the actions and I know the words too".


Learning Intention
We are learning to use connectives in our writing when writing about empathy.

Succes Criteria
Use the superhero connectives
Use at least 3 different connectives
Join two simple ideas to make a compound sentence

Student Comment
I liked the part when the monkey was feeding the baby tiger.


WALT show our CARE values every day.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will show community, active thinking, respect and excellence every day at school.
STUDENT VOICE " I know how to show the Oaklands CARE values"



WALT complete our maths home learning.
SUCCESS CRITERIA  We will persevere until we have have completed each home learning award.
STUDENT VOICE " I have done all my bronze and then my silver maths home learning. It was lots of work but I enjoyed doing it". 



WALT clap and move in time to the music.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can move our body in time to the Music.


WALT bounce and catch a ball.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can bounce a ball so that we can catch it again.


Learning Intention
We are learning to complete our reading SML's

Success Criteria
Complete our reading tasks
Get a buddy to highlight our sml book.

Student Comment: I was reading about crocodiles.


I am learning to write a description about the oak tree.  Here is my story:

It is autumn.  The big oak tree has leaves falling down.  The colours are changing into orange, red and some are green.  One is a very very wide one.  Their branches are growing bigger and the leaves are falling down on the ground.  Last time we had a leaf party on the field.



I am learning to recognise fractions.  I know 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, 1/5.   I can show mixed fractions where there is a whole number and a fraction.